Why Do You Do This?

© jb katke

What prompts a person to do what they do?

That question could apply to any bazillion topics. Mine, today, is directed to those unsung hero’s that write for a living.

The last few days, I have lived at my keyboard. Not writing, but listening to those that do. I am fresh from an online conference for authors. What am I doing hanging with them when I’ve yet to produce a book?

Good question. I ask myself that on a regular basis. The answer may not make sense, sometimes not even to me. A voice led me here, where it came from doesn’t matter because it was real to me.

As I sit under the tutelage of educated folks, I am learning new words.  Like Scrivener, Trope, enneagrams. Don’t ask me for definitions, as I haven’t wrapped my head around them yet. I fear there are more lurking about, yet to surface. One of the speakers I heard mentioned we never stop learning.  I have grasped I am in over my head and writers are introverts.

My dear husband disagrees with me being introverted. He thinks because I can carry on a conversation I am an extrovert. Not so. This conference has proved my point. All I did is sit and listen, barely responding to questions or comments and I am exhausted! Interacting with people, and apparently just listening wear me out.

The caveat is how much a writer must do to get their words not only published, but then sell themselves. They must be their own advertising agent, convincing others why they need to purchase this book. Let me assure you, this is no easy task for someone who prefers not to call attention to themselves.

Why do they put themselves through this? Because they have a message. It is an inner voice that says their words are of value. That others could learn from a writers experience or wisdom. That’s what Jesus’ dad did. He chose to write a book, sharing his life and all kinds of other stuff that are helpful for living. He included people that set examples, both good and bad for us to learn from.

There is so much more to absorb. Same as reading the words of the Good Book-we never stop learning.        

4 thoughts on “Why Do You Do This?

  1. So glad you felt the conference was helpful. When you get some positive feedback from your writing, you will know it’s worth it! And someday, you will receive a crown for your obedience and discipline.


    1. It’s good to get a handle on what you don’t know! Very much like drinking from a fire hose, but some nourishment always seeps in.


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